My free ebook ’36 Books that Shaped my Story: Reading as Creative Influence’ celebrates the books we love as our creative legacy and the clues they give as to what is emerging in our story.
The story of ’36 Books that Shaped my Story’
I’m excited to be sharing the story of the ’36 Books that Shaped my Story’ with you!
This was my first free resource I created here in 2017. But it’s so powerful, I’m sharing it again now in case you missed it. When working out the special free ebook gift to share, I wanted something that summed up the heart of Quiet Writing. I wanted to create something that sparked creativity, shared generously and provided a springboard for reflections.
And I kept coming back to books. Sharing books that made a difference to me, how they influenced me and shaped my life. Because I learnt that reflecting on this can be a source of growth.
Words are at the heart of Quiet Writing – the words we read, the words we write, the words we say to ourselves or another person such as a trusted friend or coach as we form our vision and process our journey. The words we listen to as we read, as we engage with another fully and the words we want to write.
And story is the shape the words make – the narrative we weave through the body of work that we create through career, our creative endeavours and our passions. This story is unique – no one has read the same books as you in the same way; no one has the same life experiences as you; and you are the only one to combine your passions and experiences in the way that you do.
Gathering special books around us
I’ve always gathered special books around me as a sort of altar, a source of strength, a connection to influence. They are like a wise chorus of silent voices surrounding me. So when I read Sage Cohen’s essay, ‘Honor your lineage’ in her book, Fierce on the Page, it rang special bells of resonance. Sage explains:
I have always been magnetically drawn to the books I need as teachers. Recently I cleared a shelf and, with great reverence, placed on it the books I most love – the ones that have shaped me in the way that water shapes stones, almost imperceptibly over time.
She invites us to gather the books we most love around us and to sit with them and appreciate how they have influenced our vision and sense of direction, especially in our writing life.
And importantly, she flags that in the light and strength of these books and words, the heart of what we want to write is lingering:
I wonder if that’s really all our writing asks of us: to know what we love, to listen, and to give ourselves over to what presents itself.
What I did to shape 36 Books
So that’s what I did – I gathered the special books that have shaped me over time. I spent time with each of them, honouring what they have brought to me. And it became a fascinating and deep exercise. Choosing them, remembering what they have given me, unpacking and unravelling it a little more. I organised it into a continuum, seeing how it fitted in the context of my life – an insightful joy. And I learnt so much about myself and the recurring themes in my life.
It became a deep excavation and navigation of what I love and how it drives me.
And that is the heart of Quiet Writing – it’s about gathering the threads of our lives, finding the connecting pieces and weaving them together.
I communicate this heart and this spirit, through writing and coaching, the twin hearts of Quiet Writing, so we can work with it in a supportive way to shine. For when we find those connecting pieces, those values, those desires, those long held passions and values, they can help us negotiate the next phase more successfully and work out what we really want to do and feel.

What to expect in ’36 Books that Shaped my Story’
So what can you expect in ‘36 Books that Shaped my Story: Reading as Creative Influence‘? It’s a 94 page pdf. It starts with a personal essay about the rationale and process drawing the threads of the experiment and experience together into key themes.
The second part then tracks through each of the 36 books individually and shows how they appeared in the context of my life and the legacy and influence they have provided. There are also suggestions as to why you might want to read each book.
Taken overall, the book shows how the books you love can be a:
- source of writing inspiration
- timeline for reflection
- prompt for memoir
- way of gathering evidence about your body of work over time
- guide for understanding what you really love
- pathway for noticing the key themes of your life
- key to the influences that are your guiding light and
- a narrative for your life.
I think you will find it a valuable read about the value of books and reading as creative influence and as a way of finding clues to help you enrich your quiet writing life.
How to get your copy of ’36 Books’
Just pop your details in the form below to receive your copy of ’36 Books’!
It’s 94 pages of deep-dive reading on books and the insight and clues they can provide us for living a wholehearted life.
If you are a book lover, this is for you!
You will also receive my regular ‘Beach Notes’ newsletter. It’s full of inspiration about books, writing, story, narrative, voice, personality and all things quiet writing. I send it out 1-2 times a month. You’ll also get early advice about Quiet Writing coaching, writing and learning opportunities.
I hope you enjoy ‘36 Books’. It’s an opportunity for us to reflect on our thoughts on reading, books, creativity, influence, story, narrative and writing. These are all fabulous inspirations central to Quiet Writing and the community here.
I can’t wait to hear your feedback – happy reading and reflection!
Read more!
You can read more about creative influence in this post:
How to know and honour your special creative influences
You might also enjoy:
How to read for more creativity, pleasure and productivity
Being ‘Fierce on the Page’ – a book review
Congratulations Terri, on an intelligent and perceptive book! Your 36 books have revealed some wonderfully different insights on the books I’ve already read and provided a rich list of new and intriguing titles to add to my reading list.
Most of all, it has encouraged me to reflect on the books I’ve read and the influence they’ve had in my life. It’s so true what you say about reflecting on the books we read as a direct means of getting to ‘what we love, what has supported us, how we want to feel and what we want to create and write’.
Thank you for giving us a window into your special experience with these books and your insightful reflections on how they’ve shaped your story.
Hi Colleen – thank you so much for your warm and enthusiastic feedback. It’s so appreciated! I’m especially glad it’s resulted in some new special reads for you as well as providing an opportunity to reflect on your own reading over time. Books are such direct evidence of what we love if only we make the time to heed the messages. Thanks for your thoughts and for your support over time, Terri xo