Looking for guides to help you with challenging, crossroad times?
My books, Wholehearted: Self-leadership for women in transition and the Wholehearted Companion Workbook combine to help you shape a practical toolkit for navigating or initiating change.
Garnered from the insights of FIVE years of major transition, I share all the practical strategies that helped me. And I guide you to choose and craft what will work for you.
It might be:
✍️ writing regularly
💭 working intuitively via tarot/oracle
🖼 shaping a vision
😊 personality self-awareness
📖 reading and creative influence
Or one of the other 15 tools and frameworks I share.
There are skills and tips you can work with and draw strength from to help you navigating changing times.
The books are published by the kind press and available in audiobook, paperback and ebook worldwide.
Learn more and get your copy
Here’s a snapshot:
Wholehearted: Self-leadership for women in transition is a personal recount of one woman’s journey about shifting from being a long-term government employee towards enjoying a richer, more self-directed and creative life as an inspirational life coach. It comes together as a wise mix of memoir, practical strategies and positive self-leadership resources for women going through a major change in their lives.
A Wholehearted Companion Workbook published concurrently is for those who want to go deeper with applying the self-leadership resources practically in their own lives.
Find out more about the books, where you can order by clicking on the images:

More about me – Terri Connellan:
I am a Sydney-based author, certified life transition coach and accredited psychological type practitioner. My coaching and writing focus on three elements—creativity, self-leadership and personality. One of my great loves is supporting midlife women to shape a more creative life with deeper purpose, just as I have done. I work with women globally through my business, Quiet Writing, encouraging personal transformation. Deeper self-awareness about body of work, creativity and psychological type is key. Qualification-wise, I have a Master of Arts in Language and Literacy and two teaching qualifications. I’ve enjoyed a very successful 30-year career as a teacher and leader in adult vocational education. I live and write in a village on the outskirts of Sydney surrounded by beach and bush.

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Your free copy of Chapter 1 of my book Wholehearted: Self-leadership for women in transition
If you want a more creative, self-directed life and are at the crossroads of change, this book is for you! Get Chapter 1 of ‘Wholehearted: Self-leadership for women in transition’ to read now. Just pop your details into the below and it will be with you in no time.
Free 10 Tips for Creating more Meaning and Purpose – Personal Action Checklist
Get your FREE Personal Action Checklist! Start shaping the changes you desire in your life in simple, clear steps.
I’ve created this checklist so you can craft renewed focus, energy and creativity you want in your life! Distilling the wisdom and learning from major life transitions, it will hep you with practical frameworks for change.