COVID-19 has truly hit us hard across the world and so much has changed in a very quick space of time.
How are you feeling? How much has changed in your life lately? How many conversations are you having about doing things differently? What are you doing differently? How often are online solutions popping up as the way to go? What have you had to suddenly change? What opportunities are there to make changes now, perhaps ones you’ve been thinking about for a while? And how are you feeling about all of that – positive? apprehensive? excited? fearful? overwhelmed? uncertain? like it’s worth having a go because everyone else is now?
Change and transition
Change is the external events around us and the transition we make is how we respond. We often can’t change external events, though we can perhaps influence them. But what we can really work on and control is how we respond, transition, act and plan. How we practise self-leadership and be creative. How we work with insights about our personality strengths and be aware of our personal blind-spots or stressors.
Now is a time for thinking differently, trying new things, being creative, problem-solving, stretching ourselves and not being afraid to make mistakes! And responses will often involve technology and online options because of the physical distancing required. But that doesn’t mean we need to be socially distant or isolated! We can connect and work together to create, solve, share, laugh, chat, learn and support each other. People need community now more than ever before but in new ways!
Join me for a webinar chat on Living, Working and Connecting Online
So join me for a webinar chat on Living, Working and Connecting Online in Times of Change. These times of change prompt us to transition positively to new ways of working or building on existing ones. This requires creativity, self-leadership and working with our personality.
I’m sharing this experience and knowledge with you in a new way for me, via a webinar. This is so you can feel more positive, supported and encouraged to try out new things at this uncertain time.
We’ll look at opportunities, challenges, technology options, personality differences and mindset. I’ll share practices and tools and you can ask questions and share your experiences or issues. Whether you are a newbie or are more seasoned with online practices, this session will provide inspiration and options for negotiating these times.
Most of all it’s about support and connection. Let’s share what we are thinking of, feeling, attempting, desiring and trying out so we all can feel supported in trying out new things at this time.
My online learning leadership skill-set
As I have reflected on these times and what I bring to them, I have realised I have a TON of online learning leadership and practical experience. Here is my body of work in this space and what I bring to the discussion:
- 20 years’ experience in leading shifts to online approaches in adult education including as an Australian Flexible Learning Leader in 2004
- Certification in Online Facilitation Skills and study to Masters level in open, distance and flexible learning
- Experience as an internationally certified life coach building a global online business for 3 plus years
- Creator of online courses and coaching programs including 1:1 coaching, the Sacred Creative Collective Group Coaching program and Personality Stories Coaching.
- Teacher and leader in adult education for 30+ years
- Deep passion for and honed skills in social media and technological solutions and options.
- Experience as a writer and blogger using technological options such as Scrivener and WordPress for 10 plus years.
- Being an online learner of many varied programs over 20 plus years.
It took a crisis such as we are in now for me to realise all these skills and how they can link together! How they can help and guide you. Often we don’t value our own skills or see our expertise and how it can help others. So it’s a great time to look at this in your own life so you can see how you can pivot, shift and be of service.
And in a spirit of adventure and transition, it’s the first webinar I have led! So I’d love you to join me for this session where we can learn and connect together. Be a newbie with me! You will have an opportunity to ask questions too. And we will see where this leads!
Join us for the webinar:
Here is the invitation:
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Mar 31, 2020 10:00 AM Sydney time (AEDT)
Topic: Living, Working and Connecting Online in Times of Change
Further details will be sent to you once you register including support and guidance on how to use Zoom if it’s new to you. Don’t worry, it’s super easy!
We’ll chat for about 90 minutes. The session will be recorded if you can’t attend live for any reason. And I promise there is no hard sell on anything included. The primary focus is connection and support for transition in these challenging times.
Love to see you there and connect with you in this new way!