Our bodies and our personalities are vessels, and leadership, like captaincy, is full inhabitation of the vessel.
David Whyte
Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity
Would you like to know more about your personality and psychological type preferences for a stronger understanding of yourself?
Join me in Personality Stories Coaching for deeper insights.
As a life coach certified in psychological type, I take you on a deep-dive journey that will change your self-understanding and potentially, your life.
You will:
- gain a heightened self-knowledge and awareness of who you are and why you are the way you are.
- appreciate how you best operate and what can cause stress.
- enhance your practical self-leadership.
- strengthen your understanding of others and your interactions.
- realise how personality and psychological type preferences influence so many aspects of life like our well-being, creativity, decision-making, coaching and entrepreneurial style.
These preferences are a very natural part of our story!
You can see evidence of the hunger for this knowledge with people doing free online personality “tests”. There’s no guarantee though you will get the right results. And then, knowing how to apply this information to our lives is another thing altogether.
Understanding our personality stories and psychological type preferences is much more than a one-off result especially from a free online test. We owe ourselves much more than that!
It’s valuable to look at our whole type and the interactions of our preferences. And it’s important to work with a qualified psychological type practitioner and coach so you can make the most of this information. That way you know it is valid, evidence-based and informed. Most importantly, you can work out how to apply it in your life.
It’s not that we don’t already know ourselves. But getting a deeper insight via personality type is like having an overlying framework or an operating manual for how you work cognitively and your preferences. It can make all the difference when you understand why you are the way you are, your strengths and gifts and the less natural areas you can also stretch into for growth, wholeness and balance.
I know because it made all the difference in the world for me when I understood my INTJ personality type and its preferences.
Personality Stories Coaching
So what is the Personality Stories Coaching package all about?
It’s about understanding your personality and psychological type preferences as a tool for self-leadership.
The Personality Stories coaching package includes:
- Psychological type assessment online: Complete the Majors Personality Type Inventory ™ online. This is just one piece of information that indicates your Jung/Myers-Briggs personality and psychological type preferences.
- The Personality Stories self-paced online course on psychological type: An online course (about 3-4 hours to complete) so you can understand personality and type preferences and self-assess your type.
- A copy of the book You’ve Got Personality by Mary McGuiness, sent wherever you are in the world.
- A 90 minute 1:1 coaching debrief to work through your results: A coaching session conducted via video-conferencing to debrief your learning, self-assessment and indicator results. You receive your Majors Personality Type Inventory™ report and we work through your type preferences together. We set inspiring goals and actions to take this knowledge forward and embed it in your life.
- Quiet Writing summary: Once confident about your preferences, you receive a summary with further reading, tips for managing stress and your coaching and entrepreneurial style. Journal prompts help you further explore your preferences.
- Email support for 2 weeks after to follow up on any questions and learnings.
The investment for this package is just $350AU (approximately $258USD or 186GBP). Contact me via email at terri@quietwriting.com if you are interested in this special program or go here to enrol directly:
If you already know your type preferences
If you already know your type preferences and feel comfortable with them, I also offer a customised deep dive personality package for you. This includes a 1:1 90 minute coaching session, copy of ‘You’ve Got Personality‘ and Quiet Writing Personality Summary with references and prompts for reflection after our session.
The focus is on frameworks for applying personality knowledge practically in your life for wholehearted self-leadership at a time of transition. Investment for this package is $195AU. Head to my Contact page and complete the contact form if interested in this package.

What do I bring to Personality Stories Coaching?
Along with a deep passion for personality type, I bring a diverse and extensive skill-set to my Personality Stories Coaching work. This includes:
- Certification as a skilled practitioner in Jung/Myers-Briggs personality assessment via the Majors Personality Type Inventory™ and Majors Personality Type Elements™
- A commitment to deep practice as a personality type professional through ongoing learning and extensive networks including with AusAPT, the Australian Association for Psychological Type, and its international connections.
- A leader in the type community, on the AusAPT National Committee providing state and national leadership for social media, events and professional learning in psychological type.
- Being a passionate, committed Certified Life Coach with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy
- 30 plus years as a leader and teacher in adult vocational education in TAFE NSW
- Highly developed skills as an online facilitator, leader and teacher including as a National Flexible Learning Leader in Australia providing leadership in online learning excellence.
- Formal qualifications to Masters’ level in adult education; language, literacy and literature; communications; online learning and teaching reading and writing at all levels.
- Life experience as a creative, intuitive, INTJ, blogger and writer making major life transitions
- Personal experience and skill in intuitive techniques such as tarot and intuitive writing.
What people have said about the program
This combined experience means I know all about personality, psychological type, coaching and learning styles for the best outcomes. I can customise quality learning experiences in all contexts including online.
Here is what people have said about the Personality Stories Coaching program:
Samantha Wheatley

I felt as though I was in safe hands and I felt excited to learn about my personality. The organisation and flow of the course was full of ease, succinct and intuitive to follow along with. I loved learning and Terri’s passion was contagious so I felt as though I was connecting with her throughout. I felt as though the traits I learnt about matched my own and therefore clarified strengths and weaknesses for me, and also with Terri’s guidance I learnt that I don’t need to be something I’m not! A key learning was to ‘trust my intuition’ and that it’s ok to be who I am, using my strengths and weakness as signposts.
Natalie Gaul
I really enjoyed the process, particularly having the slides there so I could see where it was going. As a person who doesn’t like the confines of structure, it was a great way to learn as I could cover everything but in a way that felt right for me. I feel like you kept it really simple Terri. It would have been very easy to overcomplicate but you were concise, precise and delivered the information in language that is really easy to understand. I was excited to learn more about how I’m wired. I think it’s the key to self-mastery and a deep, connected relationship with self. As much as I learned about myself, it’s also opened up the door to really understanding my clients as well, which as a coach, is such a valuable tool.
Claire Harnett-Mann

The self-paced process worked beautifully for me. The short videos that mirrored an informal classroom environment suited me and allowed me to feel personally guided even during the self-study elements. I think the variety of ways that Terri presents the study material means that everyone coming to the course will find their preferred method of learning catered for. I’m an aficionado of online courses, but I’ve never encountered such a sensitivity to the needs of different learners and is a testament to Terri’s wealth of experience in the field of education. Gold standard stuff here. I was really energised by the coaching debrief session, where Terri really took the time to give me space to explore how I could apply my learning about my Myers-Briggs type, giving me a new framework to tackle longstanding blocks and challenges.
Emma Waters

It was enlightening and informative. I found the program easily accessible and it catered for a variety of learning styles which I like. It felt like a homecoming reading the descriptors of my type and to know that there are others like me but also others that are not like me and that’s ok. I grew up feeling like I didn’t fit in this world as highly sensitive so to gain more strategies around balancing and supporting this is wonderful. I loved that my current career path is validated by my type as INFJs often take on the role of teacher or therapist/healer.
Terri, you are so thorough and skilful in your approach as an educator and coach you delivered this with true professionalism and passion. I’m so excited for you as you bring this to the world – it is invaluable work.
Natasha Tay

I really enjoyed the process and the informative videos that helped me in deciphering what type I am. It was useful to have the stages of the program and know what to expect. I love discovering this sort of information about myself. The coaching session was amazing to talk about the results and to see how to work with them and how they’re influencing me. And the book and report were great for extra reading and affirming for understanding myself better. I loved it, Terri. Well done. Thank you for making it so accessible where in the past I didn’t understand the true power of this work.
Amie Ritchie

I felt clear and supported through the process of working through the program. Every step of the way was clearly explained in terms of its purpose and value, and the layout felt very considered and learner-focused. I really enjoyed the course itself and found the delivery style to be just right. Going through the program has helped me better understand and own my type. This has resulted in a greater understanding of the value of introverted intuition and how it plays together with my empathy and critical thinking mind, my attention to detail and big picture clarity. It feels like a magical bridge that I don’t need to try and understand anymore – only embrace and trust. The whole course offers so much value, supported so well by your deep care and attention. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity, Terri.
My journey to personality type work and Personality Stories
My decision to gain skills and experience in personality type coaching was because learning this information made all the difference for me. Once I learnt about my INTJ personality type preferences working with a coach and mentor, it made sense of so much.
Many people working with a coach on personality type talk about an ‘aha’ moment. I certainly had one when my coach said to me, “Do you ever close the door at work?” I realised it was OK to close the door occasionally, for my own needs and to gather myself. How often do we work against our own preferences out of societal expectations? This realisation and so much more helped me work and lead more authentically.
I understood, and continue to work on, my unique strengths as an INTJ. With my skill in Introverted Intuiting, I can work in a visionary way, knowing where I am going. Learning to trust this strength has been an ongoing process. Writing and tarot work helps me underpin this in practical ways.
I’ve also worked to understand my less preferred areas, my weaknesses and stress points. I know that working on these is a way of achieving balance, self-leadership and wholeheartedness. The women I have worked with have experienced this as well.
You can learn more about my journey to become a Personality Type Coach here.

Where I focus – wholehearted self-leadership
I focus on creativity and self-leadership coaching and I bring to that my life coaching training and certification, certification in Jung/Myers-Briggs personality type assessment, extensive experience in adult and vocational education, and a passion for creativity, writing and books that drives everything I do.
You can learn more about me here.
Coaching is a form of self-leadership to find our deeper story. The most important form of orchestrating leadership is how we take ourselves forward and bring the pieces of our lives together.
Are you also wanting to choose to journey deeper into your wholehearted personality story?
Contact me:
So I hope you are excited by what this might mean for you!
If you would like to take up this coaching opportunity, please go direct to enrol
Or contact me:
- via email: terri@quietwriting.com
- or via direct message on social media – via Facebook or Instagram if we are already connected
I would love to work with you on your personality via Personality Stories Coaching!
Please feel free to share with anyone who you think might benefit from this opportunity.

Keep in touch
Quiet Writing is on Facebook and Instagram – Please visit to keep in touch and interact with the growing Quiet Writing community. There are regular posts on coaching, books, tarot, intuition, influence, passion, creativity, productivity, writing, voice, introversion and Jung/Myers-Briggs personality type.
Subscribe via email (see the link at the top and below) to make sure you receive updates from Quiet Writing and its passions. This includes personality developments, life coaching, tarot, books and other connections to help express your unique voice in the world and journey deeper into your wholehearted story.
If you enjoyed this post, please share via your preferred social media channel – links are below.
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