In this post, I share tips from my transition experiences on how to tap into the power of emerging and new beginnings especially at mid-life.
Becoming an Emerging Coach of the Year finalist
I have been thinking about the power of emerging after being named a finalist in the Emerging Coach of the Year category for the Beautiful You Awards.
The whole process of applying for the award tapped into my feelings about transitioning and transforming in my mid 50’s! Firstly, I had to summon up the courage to apply for the award. I had to battle down those demons that said I hadn’t done enough to be deserving. On the other hand, there were voices that spoke loudly saying, “Who are you to be emerging at 58? It’s just for the younger players starting out in the field.” Do you know those voices? Maybe they are in your head in some way or other too!
Well, hello, I said to them, I am proud to be emerging and shining in the field of life coaching and supporting other women also going through transition in their 50’s or whatever age. We can all continue to emerge in new ways.

Emerging Coach of the Year
The Beautiful You Emerging Coach of the Year Award is:
“An award for any graduate of the Beautiful You Life Coaching Course that is showing enormous commitment to their coaching business and potential for outstanding future growth and success.“
I reviewed the criteria and description and battled down those demons and applied. It was valuable to take a pause to reflect on how far I have come and what I have achieved. And to envision where I want to spread my new wings into the future.
After a hopeful and anxious wait, I was thrilled to be nominated as a finalist! The winners of each category will be announced on 13 March 2020. It is a huge honour to be recognised by the Beautiful You Coaching Academy for this award alongside the other brilliant women nominated. You can read more about it here. I am grateful for the recognition of my developing and emerging work as a coach and being acknowledged for what I have achieved.
What does it mean to be emerging?
Once the finalists were announced, it took me deep into reflecting about what it means to be emerging at age 58 – why it matters, what it means.
Emerging to me means:
- transitioning from one state to another.
- shifting in identity and focus to new beginnings.
- crafting and shaping that new identity day in and day out.
- working more in line with my deeper purpose and calling.
- gathering together my experience and skills, my body of work.
- adding to it in new ways and finding new ways to connect with others.
- using this deep experience, skill and knowledge to support others.
Images come to mind of the butterfly, emerging from one state to another more active one. Also, of buds blooming, of new growth, of encouraging blossoming in new ways both in myself and others.

How to tap into the power of emerging
Here are some thoughts on how to tap into the power of emerging in your life based on my experiences of my transition journey.
It is absolutely ok to start again
We seem to have this notion that we have to get it right from the start on our life journey. Make the right decisions early on, keep on a path that aligns. But the truth is there are many ways to reach our deeper purpose. It may be a straight path or it may be a circuitous route. It is often one that spirals and connects over time. Few experiences are a waste of time as we always learn something to take with us. And it is absolutely okay at whatever age to start again – learn new skills, shape a new identity, start a new business, bring together all that we have learnt and start afresh.
You are never too old
Granted some things do get harder as you get older, but you know what? Some things get easier. All that wisdom and experience gathered makes you feel more fearless, more at home in your own skin finally. Remind yourself that you are never too old to begin new things, learn additional skills, combine them in new ways. In fact, there are people out there who absolutely need your unique brand of wisdom and experience to inspire and support them on their journey. Find the courage and skill to empower your dreams and inspire others.
There is power in having a beginner’s mind
We can feel vulnerable and sometimes lost as we begin new journeys especially later in life. Having learnt so much, we suddenly feel like a beginner again. But embracing the power of that beginner’s mind opens up new portals and connects existing skills in new ways. It is empowering to embrace not knowing and starting again. A kind of surrender, it sheds new light on what we have and know, shining it brighter, bringing it to life.
We need to be self-compassionate at such times
Feeling inexperienced can push all our buttons and it is easy to start talking ourselves down. Go gently with yourself and be self-compassionate at such tender times. As Colette Baron-Reid reminds us:
You must acknowledge your inexperience and gently allow yourself to be like the delicate new bud opening. It’s okay to admit you may not know something. You are at the beginning of things and haven’t yet hit your stride. Be immersed in the newness of it all, and don’t try to rush the learning process. New life has its own timetable for maturity.
Wisdom of the Oracle deck, New Life card

Sharing your voice and wisdom is valued
So many people tell me that my experience of emerging and midlife transition inspires them. I am so heartened by this. You might feel vulnerable at first and on occasions but sharing your learning, voice and wisdom is valued by others. It’s about you but it is also about others. Be the one whose journey inspires others so we all can grow. Co-create, collaborate and share so that emerging is easier and jointly celebrated.
Believing in yourself takes you a long way
Back yourself as you work on new things and trust the power of emergence. Others may not understand. You may be constantly asked about how retirement is going even though it’s not in your plans at all. But that’s okay. Trust your own plan for emerging. Believe in yourself and your ability to shape a new life. Know that it matters. And that you have special skills, unique talents and a calling to fulfil and bring forward in your own way.
Shaping and committing to a vision helps immensely
Take time out to tap into what emerging might look like for you into the future. What does it feel like? What skills will you develop? How different will life be? What does your ideal day of the future look like? Write down what this ideal day of the future looks like. Or create a vision board via Pinterest or paper and magazine images to get a sense of how your emerging might unfold.
Community is vital as you emerge in new ways
Surround yourself with others and connect with communities that support you in emerging at mid-life and any time. Find others going through similar experiences; knowing you are not alone in what you are experiencing helps immensely. Having people to bounce off as you learn new skills, try things differently and explore new terrain can be so powerful. You don’t have to transition and emerge all by yourself.
The Sacred Creative Collective is a group coaching program I offer twice a year to support women to transition to a new life with support and a community. Book a Discovery Call now if you are interested to join us. We’d love you to add your magic to the collective. Or add your name to the Waitlist for next time.
So many ways to emerge!
There are so many ways to emerge in new ways of living, being and creating:
- Work with a coach
- Become a coach
- Be a yogini
- Learn tarot
- Write a book
- Learn new skills
- Find a new job
- Share your wholehearted story with others
- Read other’s stories of wholehearted living to inspire you
- Learn more about your personality story as a guide
- Embrace your intuition more
- Start blogging
- Get moving through swimming or another form of exercise.
What comes to mind for you?
Journeys of emerging
I want to leave you with two thoughts to inspire you to tap into the power of emerging at mid-life and beyond. These insights come from my intuitive tarot practice.
The Six of Wands is a card of emerging encouraging us to pause on our journey and trust the power of beginning. Also to lean into it to see where we are heading and celebrate how far we have come.
My favourite Six of Wands is from The Wild Unknown and shows a beautiful butterfly rising from a dark place. This place includes obstacles, what we need to overcome or fight down including our self-talk and the life challenges that come our way.
It reminds us that the “more pressing question is: where will you go with your new set of wings?”
So where will you go? Keep that in mind to inspire you as you emerge into new times.

My new favourite deck, The Spacious Tarot, focuses on being proud of who we are as we are emerging: “Instead of trying to shirk away, show up fully. Assert yourself, assert what you want, and keep your head held high. The laurel wreath symbolises victory, reminding you to believe in your ability to succeed.”
As you go through transition times, stop to celebrate what you’ve achieved and how far you have come! It will spur you on for the next step of the journey of emerging and give you courage.

So share your thoughts:
- In what ways are you emerging?
- How can you tap deeper into the power of emerging?
- Where will you go with your new set of wings?
- What have you achieved so far to inspire the next stage of your emergence?
And I am here for you if you would like some support on your transition journey. With three-plus years of midlife transition under my belt, I can share practice, experiences, skills and coaching support for a positive time of emerging. Check out my work with me page for more information.
Further readings/references:
Coaching as a skill and how to skill up in the best way
Life coaching – making meaning in times of transition
How I fulfilled my vision to become a personality coach
Become a life coach + live your change
Learned Wisdom: Journeys in type and transition
“But I’m not retired!” – thoughts on the word ‘retired’ as I create a new life
Transitions are an opportunity to allow a new identity to emerge