
Stories of Wholehearted Living

stories of wholehearted living
Me in my happy wholehearted place

Wholehearted is a word and a concept that underlies everything in Quiet Writing and my life. My transition journey began in earnest at a time when I found myself uttering different versions of ‘half-hearted’ about my work and life.

I remember saying to a work colleague on the phone, “My heart is just not in it” as I contemplated my place in a new structure and paradigm there.

I’m feeling so half-hearted!” I said to another as I tried to work out what to do.

To myself, in writing, I said: “I feel like I’m leaving myself and my heart at the door as I walk in.” Soul-destroying was another word that crossed my mind and passed through my lips when talking to special others.

I applied for jobs I didn’t want.

And then one day as I was driving, I listened to Elizabeth Gilbert’s Magic Lessons podcast episode, Who Gets to Decide if you are a Legitimate Artist. Mark Nepo was talking with Elizabeth and Cecilia, a young poet who has fallen out of touch with her creativity after being rejected from a number of MFA (Master of Fine Arts) programs.

The conversation as a whole was life-changing for me but the pivotal moment for me is when Elizabeth asks Mark Nepo for a word as a blessing for Cecilia as she goes forward in her life. He responds with ‘Wholehearted’ and says “to let that wholehearted be her teacher and all of our teachers.”

Mark Nepo shares his poem, Breaking Surface, which begins, “Let no one keep you from your journey” and ends “Your soul the shore of a promise too great to be ignored.” Do read the whole poem.

I was already on a journey of transition but that moment crystallised so much for me. That word, “wholehearted” which I had read and come across in places before, suddenly took on a whole new and personal meaning as the centre of my life and journey.

Over time as went through and shared my journey to more wholehearted living, I invited women in my community to share their stories too. Quietly, each woman has come forward to tell her story in her own way of how she shifted to living a more wholehearted life.

Here are their stories and voices. I am honoured to share them with you.

There is so much personal inspiration and insight from their experiences. Each woman shares special books and influences too as a way of inspiring your journey.

Read, enjoy, witness, share and write your story too if you wish to – the invitation to guest post is here. I hope these stories inspire you to also “let no one keep you from your journey.”

The Silent Whispers of my Mind – Journeying from fragmented to wholehearted – Valerie Lewis

Writing the way through – a wholehearted story – Sally Morgan

Lusciously Nurtured – a wholehearted interview – with Dawne Gowrie Zetterstrom

Learning to live on the slow path and love the little things that light me up – Kamsin Kaneko

Year of magic, year of sadness – a wholehearted story – Lisa Dunford

From halfhearted to wholehearted living – my journey – Emily Lewis

The courageous magic of a life unlived – a wholehearted story – Bek Ireland

Dancing all the way – or listening to our little voice as a guide for wholehearted living – Olivia Sprinkel

Tackling trauma and “not enough” with empathy and vision – a wholehearted story – Maura McCarley Torkildson

When the inner voice calls, and calls again – my journey to wholehearted living – Heidi Washburn

Maps to Self: my wholehearted story – Sylvia Barnowski

The Journey to Write Here – my wholehearted story – Penelope Love

Ancestral Patterns, Tarot Numerology and breaking through – my wholehearted story – Sylvie Kirsch

Message from the middle – my wholehearted story – Amie Ritchie

The journey of a lifetime – a wholehearted story – Chantal Simon

Gathering my lessons – a wholehearted story – Shalagh Hogan

Grief and pain can be our most important teachers – a wholehearted story – Kerstin Pilz

Breakdown to breakthrough – my wholehearted life – Lynn Hanford-Day

Embracing a creative life – a wholehearted story – Jade Herriman

Becoming who I really am – a wholehearted story – Colleen Reagon

Finding my home – a wholehearted story – Natalie Gaul

My wild soul is calling – a wholehearted story – Elizabeth Milligan

Our heart always knows the way – a wholehearted story – Katherine Bell

How knowing your authentic heart can make you shine – Terri Connellan

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