In this post, I share my tarot practice with you and show you how to develop skills in the intuitive art of tarot and oracle. I talk about intuition in my life and my practice. And I talk about the cards that come up in this particular reading and how I help others develop their intuitive practice via coaching. I welcome your feedback!
When I started on my transition journey to COMPLETELY change my life, a few years ago now, I had three major learning pillars:
- Become a certified life coach
- Become an accredited Jung/Myers-Briggs personality type practitioner
- Learn the intuitive art of tarot.

I wasn’t even sure at that time why learning tarot and developing my intuition was so important. It was something I was interested in but never really fully engaged with. Over time, I realised that this was all about activating intuition as a self-leadership tool in my life.
Personality type-wise, I have INTJ preferences, so Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking and Judging. My natural, lead cognitive function is Introverted Intuiting. But in the external world especially the workplace, I relied on my second in command, Extraverted Thinking. So it was time to shake off and shape up my natural intuition and also get some structure for it in my life.
Through my intuitive tarot practice, I have developed a way to write, create and live with wisdom, my own inner wisdom. And through my coaching, I open others to the wisdom and creativity within including via the intuitive art of tarot.
So here’s an insight into my intuitive tarot practice via a video I shared on Instagram and Facebook. If you are coming across this video now, there’s a message for you in there. Time is less important a construct than tapping into the inner wisdom that calls us.
Intuitive practice tools in the video
Here is the blessing I share in the video:
I bless you and in the name of Spirit. I ask for your guidance. Show me what I cannot see, confirm what I know, and help me that I may serve the highest good of all.
Here are the decks I mention and work with in the reading:
How to develop your practice in intuitive tarot and oracle
Here are a few tips for developing an intuitive practice with tarot and oracle cards:
Start with oracle cards
Tarot is quite a structured system of 78 cards with 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana. It’s brilliant to learn about but complex. Starting with Oracle cards is an excellent way in to working with your intuition and cards. I started with The Enchanted Map deck by Colette Baron-Reid but any oracle deck that calls you will be a great place to start. There are so many beautiful oracle decks out there to work with.
Do a short online course
A short online course is another way in to begin to explore tarot and oracle cards. My friend Victoria Smith’s Coffee with the Oracle program is instant access, self-paced and a fantastic introduction to working intuitively with oracle cards. Susannah Conways’s 78 Mirrors is an excellent way to learn about intuitive practice, working with tarot and understanding its structure and symbolism. The content of both courses was pivotal to my developing intuitive practice.
Read about tarot and oracle + work with guidebooks
Reading about intuition, tarot and oracle and how it works can be helpful. The guidebooks that accompany most tarot and oracle decks are accessible sources of wisdom based on the symbolism of specific decks. For full-length tarot practice books linked to specific decks, I love The Creative Tarot by Jessa Crispin creator of the Spolia Tarot and Playing with Symbols by Monicka Clio Sakki creator of the Sakki Sakki Tarot. 78 Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack is a classic text on tarot that I have found valuable.
Get a tarot reading
Get a tarot reading yourself! Find someone who is experienced and offers readings so you can experience what a tarot reading feels like and how it can guide you. That helped me so much in my emerging learning about tarot and intuitive wisdom. There are plenty of online options and Instagram can provide a place to connect with tarot readers and readings. Find someone who resonates with you. Hashtags like #tarotreadersofinstagram or #tarotoftheday are possible starting points.
Dive in and start!
Probably the best way to develop an intuitive practice is to just dive in and start! Choose a deck that calls you. Draw a card each day, whether it be oracle or tarot. See what comes up, make notes in a tarot journal about what you notice and intuitively feel from the card. Combine intuitive wisdom with reading about the card via the guidebook for insight. Journal about what this intuitive wisdom might mean for you in your life. There are free and affordable online tarot and oracle card options too. I love the Steampunk Tarot app which has a detailed accompanying guidebook and the Housewives Tarot app for some vintage fun. Colette Baron-Reid’s free online oracle app is also a very good place to get started. They are great on-the-go options too.
Follow my Tarot Narrative readings on Instagram and Facebook Stories
You can follow my regular Tarot Narrative readings in my Stories on Instagram and Facebook for wisdom, guidance and insight. Just Follow on IG or Like my Quiet Writing Facebook page and you will see the readings arrive as Stories there. Seeing how others read and the lessons they draw from the cards they pull can be a way of learning about intuitive practice. I also love Marianne’s Two Sides Tarot for regular, inspired insight.
Work with me as your coach + guide to developing intuition
Developing intuition and intuitive practice can be a rich goal to work on with a coach. I learnt that way and I have guided many others through learning to tap into their intuition and develop personal intuitive practices. You need to find what works for you and your personality and contexts. So work with me as your coach and guide to developing your intuition. With years of deep practice in intuition and an intimate understanding of how it works, I can help you find a practice that works for you!
I hope this video and these insights on my practices and how to develop skill in the intuitive art of tarot and oracle help you to create and live with wisdom. Enjoy learning!
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And explore the INTUITION category here on the blog for many more tarot and intuitive inspired insights!