I shared a Wholehearted Q&A chat on Instagram live recently and asked for questions about the book, transition and self-leadership.
This fabulous question came in from Esther via Instagram:
What advice would you give to someone too scared to leave the consistency of working for the government but knowing they are no longer excited or challenged by the work anymore?
Such an excellent question! Thank you Esther. It went straight to my heart. I worked in government as a teacher and leader in the vocational education sector for 30 plus years, so I know intimately the feeling you are expressing. And I am sure it is something many women ponder as they contemplate the tension between ‘safe’ and consistent work and not feeling fulfilled by unexciting work. It certainly brings up fear and trepidation!
You can watch my live as I answer the question here (video also below at the end of this post) or read my response below. Or both! And I welcome your comments or questions too if you have experienced this situation or are experiencing it now.
I’m hearing in this question the desire for change, but also valuing the security and ongoing employment offered. It’s a very real tension and one that can keep us stuck as we work out the best way to move. But if we can make a plan to move on to better things, it can make all the difference to our mindset!
Here are 6 tips for changing from consistent but unexciting work!
1. Look at your why
A starting point would be to look at WHY you are no longer challenged or excited in the organisation or role you are in.
Journal about this to see what comes up. Is it because, for example:
- you are no longer aligned to the organisation.
- it’s boring and not stretching you in the role you are in.
- you wish to be doing something completely different.
- you have long-held creative yearnings that you want to fill.
- something else?
This will help you with the next step of looking at options.
2. Look at your options
If no longer challenged or excited by your work role now, brainstorm and make a list of options open to you. Self-leadership is all about exploring options and choices. Then actively pursuing what you feel is right for you with intention. Some of your options might be:
- seeking new opportunities within the organisation you work for.
- seeking opportunities like secondment in another government organisation or a project role where you can feel more excitement and challenge.
- starting a consultancy on the side or another sort of side-hustle around a passion or something you’ve always wanted to do.
- seek opportunities for space to consider options, for example: working part time, job-sharing, taking leave, working four days a week or a nine-day fortnight.
- look at the skills you have, your body of work over time and where this might take you next.
Often we see our situations and options as binary and either/or, but there are frequently many choices. The transition to what you desire might involve a series of choices that take you there, one step at a time. It might not be one gigantic leap even though that may feel like the most desirable option. Deep transition takes time and is often incremental.
3. Get a vision of what life might be like
To get a vision of what life might look like in the future, write about what your ideal day might look like in a few years’ time. This simple but powerful activity helps to get to what is in your heart and what would help you feel fulfilled and happy. Often it’s simpler than we think and this activity helps us to see where we are already on the way.
A vision board or collage is another way to do this if you are more visual. You could start a Pinterest Board and gather images of what your new life might look like to see what themes emerge and what you are seeking through change. This process helps us to tap into what is beneath the surface of our consciousness, trying to break through.

4. Take inventory
When you want change or are not happy where you are, it is easy to dwell on what you don’t have. It’s helpful and grounding therefore to look at what you have and see how you can deploy these resources more effectively.
Areas to take stock of include:
- skills you have, your body of work
- skills you want to develop
- resources, including financial resources
- financial options
- potential income sources
- superannuation
- leave
- investment strategies
- where you could cut back
Part of the fear of leaving a government job (and often other employment) is letting go of the security, the regular pay and the conditions. They are familiar and regular and it is not a decision to be made lightly. If you wish to leave, look at what you have to help you make a shift and how you might supplement or replace the income. Look at living differently, having fewer expenses, making income creatively.

5. Check your mindset – look at the fears
It’s very natural to feel fear as we make change, even if it is a change we deeply want.
An important distinction is this.
CHANGE is external – what happens to us, also what we choose to change or start.
TRANSITION is internal – how we plan, adjust, prepare, ground ourselves and our mindset as we do this.
The inner work of transition, even from unexciting work, includes looking at the fears, self-limiting beliefs and self-doubt that typically arise in times of change. Managing the internal aspects of transition strengthens our ability to negotiate change positively with self-knowledge.
If feeling scared, have a good look at your fears. Make a list of what scares you. Get it down on paper. Identify the false, overstated or imagined fears, then identify the ones that are genuine concerns. Once you have these identified, use all the tips here to work out how to address these fears in practical terms.
6. Get support
Significant transition takes time. It feels like your very identity is in the mix even if the unexciting work is making you unhappy. Often you feel alone, lost and uncertain at such times. You need support! Get a coach – I would love to support you if you are going through transition times in a 1:1 capacity as your coach. Working with a coach helped me immensely as I went through my transition journey, and I still work with coaches all the time to keep growing and focused. A group coaching program like the Sacred Creative Collective can also be an option if you want support and connection with others while going through change.
Head to Work with me to learn how you can work with me as your coach. First step is a free Self-leadership Discovery Call so we can connect and have a conversation about your challenges and desires and where I might help. You can book that free, no obligation call HERE.
So summing up, here are my 6 tips for transitioning from consistent but unexciting work:
- Look at your why – so you can get some context and a starting point.
- Look at options – so you can widen your scope of action.
- Get a vision of what life might be like – see what you might really want.
- Take inventory – look at the resources you have for a new life.
- Check your mindset – look at fears and interrogate them.
- Get support – via a coach and community to help you negotiate the changes positively.
Watch the video here to review:
Knowing it’s time to make a plan for a transition
If you know in your heart you’ve had enough of this unexciting work and need to move on. Or there’s been a turning point event in your life that has clearly said, ‘I no longer belong here’, then making a transition plan using the above tips is helpful.
Another resource for you is to strengthen your self-leadership skills is my book, Wholehearted: Self-leadership for women in transition. It is full of practical strategies to help you with self-leadership if you are going through change or wanting something different. Plus the experience of reading the book and working through the workbook is a deep self-leadership and self-coaching experience.
You can pre-order Wholehearted and the Companion Workbook now to help you navigate times of transition. The books will be with you on 6 September. In the meantime, I’ll send you a free pdf of Chapter 1 so you can start reading now.
Plus, if you purchase 2 books, Wholehearted and/or the Companion Workbook, you can join me for a live Masterclass on ‘15 Wholehearted Self-leadership Skill to Change your Life’ where I’ll walk you through these strategies and answer questions.
So click below to find out more about the books. All the links to pre-order the paperback and ebook versions worldwide via different booksellers are there.
Read more:
How to tap into the power of emerging at midlife
Create Your Deeper Story 1 to 1 Coaching
Stories of Wholehearted Living
Sacred Creative Collective Group Coaching
Cora Pacheco – Sacred Creative Stories of Transition
Your body of work: the greatest gift for transition to a bright new life
Image credits:
Feature image: Photo by Siddharth Bhogra on Unsplash
Vision board image: Photo by Andy Art on Unsplash
Laptop image: Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash