Reader praise for Wholehearted: Self-leadership for women in transition and the Wholehearted Companion Workbook published on 6 September 2021 by the kind press. Available in paperback and ebook worldwide now.
What people are saying about Wholehearted

Navigating transition can be challenging. It can also be an opportunity to embrace creativity, calling, and authenticity. Terri Connellan’s Wholehearted shows us how. This panoramic journey of inquiry and insight invites readers into the discipline of self-leadership and guides us in reclaiming our passion and purpose. Read this book and come home to your wholehearted self. You will be initiated into sacred pathways and practices that help you uncover and trust your true shine.
Sage Cohen, author of Writing the Life Poetic and Fierce on the Page, writing catalyst, strategic storyteller

We need more guides like Terri who have traveled the path of transformation. She knows the exact thing to say, and the steps to suggest, for women who are tired of settling for a half-lived life.
Pamela Slim, author, Body of Work and The Widest Net

Every once in awhile the right book lands in our hands at the perfect moment, offering a much-needed lantern to illuminate our path in dark times. This is that book. Beautifully written, insightful, and wise, Wholehearted is a gentle yet empowering guide for women navigating major transitions in their lives, work, and in the world around them.
Victoria Smith, teacher, mentor, artist—

So many of us go through life with our eyes closed, running the program, doing what we think life expects of us. Wholehearted shows us how to get in touch with our own unique identity and craft a life that feeds our souls. Terri’s open and honest personal accounts, combined with her expert knowledge of personality theory and tarot, make Wholehearted engaging and insightful. Get ready to open your eyes and see what you discover!
Dr Angelina Bennet, Chartered Occupational Psychologist and Director of I Potential Ltd

Pioneering in her capacity to conceptualise self-leadership, Terri Connellan provides a cogent way forward for women of all ages and life stages. In a time when many feel lost or dis-spirited, this book can change lives. Integrating ancient and new knowledge, she accompanies the reader with processes, advice and ideas to ensure self-efficacy in our complex world.
Meredith Fuller, psychologist and author

Blending tarot, memoir and self-leadership tools and techniques, Terri Connellan’s Wholehearted is a soul-centred manual for women in any stage of life transition looking to fuse the lessons of the past with a more fulfilling, creative and connected future.
Louisa Deasey, author of Love + Other U-Turns and A Letter From Paris

Wholehearted is a comprehensive, woman-centric guide to owning your power and becoming the leader you’ve been waiting for. A beautiful blend of personal experience and intensive research to gently guide you in your journey towards self-leadership. Inspiring, motivating and illuminating. A thought-provoking, interactive guide to becoming your best self.
Pamela Cook, author, co-host Writes4Women podcast

Reading and working through Wholehearted is like spending time with a kind and generous companion who takes your hand and says, “I’ve walked this path, let me help you find your way”. For those who have temporarily lost heart it is an essential resource, instilling courage and hope in navigating a journey towards wholehearted and creative expression in our work. Anyone interested in leadership will also find a treasure trove of guideposts, as here is a wise woman who understands that leadership must essentially start with the self.
Katherine Bell, Higher Education administrator and leadership scholar

Wholehearted is an inspiring and generous story of Terri’s Connellan’s desire to create a purposeful, meaningful life. This book sets you on a quest to claim your ‘onlyness’—the unique blend of style, skills and strengths that only you can offer the world. Like breadcrumbs scattered along a forest path, Terri shares the wealth of resources and practical skills she used to find her way back home. But this isn’t a book you read from the sidelines. Filled with reflective exercises, journaling prompts and mini assignments, you now have a roadmap for rethinking your life and navigating the journey that awaits you.
Beth Cregan, teacher, storyteller, writer and founder of Write Away With Me

Terri Connellan inspires me with her story of turning her unlived life and dreams into the reality of living a wholehearted life. This is a book for lovers of psychology, synchronicity, and intuition. Terri offers soulful and practical reflections on her major life transition, sharing her vulnerability and the passions that sustained her while she came to terms with significant losses. I loved the combination of personal life story woven with learning prompts and wisdom for the reader to reflect on and to apply in their own lives.
Lynn Hanford-Day, artist and coach

Wholehearted is a very well-written book dealing with an issue that every one of us experiences multiple times throughout our lives – transition! What makes Terri’s book stand out for me is that she is taking us on a journey with her. Not only does Wholehearted teach good wisdom and insights, it is Terri’s own personal story and journey that is incredibly powerful and impacting. It adds so much more integrity and depth to this subject. I like how she deals with transition from a holistic perspective and also a personality perspective. While I have differing spiritual beliefs and practises to Terri, I was able to reframe her practises and learnings into my own framework. Then having the workbook alongside takes it to another level of not only being head knowledge but also being life changing. Thank you, Terri, for your gift to the world.
Clare Ayers, Leadership and Personal Development Coach, founder of People Matters ‘unleashing your full potential’

Wholehearted is a unique book, part memoir, part practical resource, that should be on the nightstand of anyone seeking to travel the difficult path of transitioning into a more purposeful, self-determined and creative life. It takes enormous courage and trust in yourself to stray from the conventional path towards embracing self-leadership. Let Terri be your guide to becoming the captain of your own ship. She has traveled the path and she has collected a wide range of strategies and tools—from tarot cards, to journaling and psychological frameworks of personality types—that she shares in her book and accompanying workbook.
Kerstin Pilz, Phd, writer and coach at
Wholehearted: Self-leadership for women in transition and the Wholehearted Companion Workbook are published by the kind press. Get your copy now to inspire your transition into what you desire!